Samsung 2333HD LCD TV Part 4 FX5200 | everyday [un] happenings

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Samsung 2333HD LCD TV Part 4 FX5200

some photos i took while playing 1080p videos using my old desktop via vga d-sub cable. sorry i have no dvi or hdmi out.

2.66 GHz P4
ASUS P4PE socket 478, AGP @4x only
Palit GeForce FX5200 128MB AGP 8x 128bit

Star Trek trailer 1080p

2333HD fx5200 star trek
2333HD fx5200 star trek
2333HD fx5200 star trek
notice the jagged lines? even after updating to the latest nvidia 175.19 driver for fx5200 still gave the same result. turns out that fx5200 doesn't support 1080p resolution videos although my winxp desktop looks good at 1920x1080 @60Hz. even my 720p avi videos has barely noticeable jagged lines.

after 2 days of tweaking and reinstalling drivers, codecs, players i finally gave up playing videos at 1080 and change resolution to 720.

some more photos:

2333HD fx5200 star trek
2333HD fx5200 star trek



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